For translations of commercial or technical texts of varying sizes you can count on the work of professional translators that translate into their own mother tongue. User and maintenance manuals, contracts and bids, regulations, patents etc are translated. 

In addition to manuals we also translate safety cards, quality certificates, regulations of the sector, documentation for the civil engineering sector (geological investigations, structural calculations, projects on AutoCAD, etc.) and the engineering content of projects. 

We work with different file formats. For example, if the client sends us a In Design document, the translation will be returned in the same format. 

The staff of Interfax is well-motivated with vast experience of translation in various sectors.

Versatility, which is the basis of our vast experience, allows us to cover various sectors in the field of technical translations.


INTERFAX Traduzioni

Via Aquileia 11/2 - 33100 - Udine

Tel. +39 0432 511 234 - Fax +39 0432 1840 343

[email protected]   [email protected]

C.F./P.IVA IT01855900302 - Numero REA UD-200233


